
How to find the right toothpaste for you

Usually, after your visit to the dentist in Richmond, you might be recommended a new brand of toothpaste, one that makes your teeth whiter and brighter, is suitable for sensitive teeth, and is more effective in killing bacteria.

Brushing teeth is essential in life. Marketers are aware of this and are always coming up with crafty new selling techniques to make the masses buy their supposedly superior model.

But what is in toothpaste, and what makes one brand better than the other? Make your decision easier in a flooded market by knowing what to look out for, and find a paste that matches your needs.

Whether you have been using the same brand of toothpaste for years or you are constantly on the lookout for the best brand there is, knowing the following will help you to become a more informed consumer.

Modern day toothpastes contain fluoride

The mineral, fluoride is found in food and water, and is a key ingredient of toothpaste.

Fluoride toothpaste has been clinically proven to fight off cavities by making your teeth more resistant to the bacteria’s acid attacks.

Fluoride might help to prevent decay, but also ‘remineralises’’ rotten teeth, helping to reverse the effects if caught early enough.

A daily intake of fluoride is essential for everyone, but vital for children between the ages of six and 16 to fight decay and to strengthen developing teeth.

Some people suffer from specific mouth conditions that require more than the usual two brushes with pea-sized amounts of paste — for example, those with Dry Mouth do not produce enough spit. Saliva is an integral part of the mouth because it washes away food particles and neutralises bacteria acid.

A doctor can apply a gel, which contains more fluoride than in toothpaste, onto your teeth if you suffer from the above. Be sure to see a professional –  applying this mineral yourself could seriously damage your teeth and result in fluorosis – a condition that leaves stains on your pearly whites that are not easily removed.

Avoid particular toothpaste if you present specific dental problems

Chat to your dentist in Richmond about the best types of pastes for you. He or she will advise which ones you should avoid based on any pre-existing conditions you may have.

For example, stay clear of teeth whitening pastes if you suffer from tooth sensitivity. While usually safe for people with healthy teeth, the chemicals used are harsh on tender teeth and could potentially worsen your symptoms.

Become a label reader and read the fine print

Generally speaking, the more ingredients found within a toothpaste, the likelier you are to having an adverse reaction with sensitive teeth.

At the same time, pastes might heed warnings and recommendations about who would benefit more from using it. It might also state that you first consult with a dentist before use, or to stop using immediately if you experience adverse effects.

Be informed if you switch to natural toothpaste

While fluoride is AA approved to fight cavities and the like and is dubbed safe by medical professionals, some people are turning to more holistic methods of brushing their teeth.

Baking soda is a primary ingredient in natural toothpaste. While an ingredient used in baking, it contains compounds that clean stains and removes odours. This cleaning component that is deemed safe to use on one’s teeth is less harsh on the teeth but also effective in leaving your teeth clean and polished.

If this is a route you are considering, heed with caution. Read labels and do plenty of research.

Toothpaste is vital in cleaning your teeth. It is essential to know what is in the toothpaste you use and whether it really is the right one for you.

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